

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Leaving Deutschland!!

After 5,5 years in Germany (indeed 7 years counting all the time I spent studying at the WHU and during my interships) I am moving to Harlingen, The Netherlands.

Harlingen it is not so far away from Düsseldorf, just 300km, but enough to be in another country and to have completely different habits. Well, as Spanish you think all the "north-european people" are quite the same, but that is not true. After getting the german habits, now I have to "desalamanizarme" and get Dutch (for example by buying orange clothes...).

Further it is not only about moving, It is also about living with Paul together, starting a new job... starting a new chapter of my life!! ;)

In my blog I will tell about my adventures and misadventures. Don´t wonder if the posts are a mix of english, german, dutch and spanish...

Enjoy reading!


  1. Good luck, and enjoy life in Holland.

  2. Pero si esto esta en "girufú" y no se entiende.
    (But if this in English and do not understand)
    Bueno en cuanto tenga un rato te enlazamos en nuestro blog y ya te iremos leyendo...
    Por cierto ya te vas como dices "holandizado" porque el fondo del post es naranja... jaja

  3. Ya estas enlazada en nuestro blog... Te he llamado la Sin Rumbo... jajjaa
